Rev. Daniel Blüst

Nov 17, 20202 min

Fighting for Redemption - Part 9

“And He said, ‘Come!’ And Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, ‘Lord, save me!’ Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, ‘You of little faith, why did you doubt?’” Matthew 14:29-31

While we are fighting for redemption it is important to remember that Jesus is to be our focus and our rescuer. A few years ago while trying to redeem my relationship with my daughter, I came across a social media post that not only stopped that process, but devastated me emotionally. I took my eyes off Jesus! I could have tried to fight through my devastation in my own strength, but I knew that Jesus was my only hope for rescue. In the scripture above, keep this in mind; Peter was a professional fisherman and most likely a powerful swimmer. After losing focus on Jesus, he knew he was in trouble. The storm Peter was in was too powerful for him, so he chose not to rely on his own strength and he called out to Jesus.

Have you taken your eyes off of Jesus in your fight for redemption? Stop trying to save yourself and cry out to Jesus.

Lord, help us to keep our eyes on you! And when we fail, let us not rely on our own strength to save us, but help us cry out to you immediately. Lord, we will fail but You will always be faithful. Help us focus on You, the Redeemer, as we continue to fight for redemption. Amen!
