"Constantly, night and day, he was screaming among the tombs and in the mountains, and gashing himself with stones. Seeing Jesus from a distance, he ran up and bowed down before Him."
Mark 5:5-6
You may recognize the story above as the demoniac with the legion of demons. In my life, that story wasn't too far from my own reality. Suicide attempts, addiction, and torment from costly mistakes had me in a place that would be a cultural parallel to this man. But I have noticed something similar both in my story and the story of the demoniac found in Mark 5. A legion of demons, or our total brokenness, couldn't keep us from running to Jesus. This may be you, a spouse, or perhaps a child. But know this—nothing, and I mean nothing, can keep us from Jesus when He comes to the rescue.
Do you need Jesus to rescue you, or someone you love, from something today? Fight for redemption and claim the truth of this story from Mark 5—Jesus can rescue anyone from anything no matter how bad it is!
Father today, send Your Son to the rescue. Give us the strength to run to Jesus, for the freedom that has already been won for us. Show us, Lord, that nothing can keep us from the redeeming grace You have provided for us. Amen!