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Writer's pictureLeAnn Petterson

Meeting the Father in Seasons of Loss - Part 5

"He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’" John 7:38

Experiencing loss may challenge your "glass" to feel completely empty, half empty, half full, or all of the above, all at the same time. Feel the "feel" but move forward. Thankfully God wants to fill and keep filling your glass to overflowing with his living water. Invite the Holy Spirit's filling and drink deeply and freely. He fills you to fulfil you as you minister to him and to others.

When my husband died, I lost my greatest friend, and everything he represented. This included his role as my primary prayer partner. I felt abandoned. I missed praying with him and others. Despite not being naturally inclined, I turned to the available tool of technology. I am learning to pray with friends over the phone, text prayers, and I am learning to Zoom with multiple groups of praying believers. As one of my College of Prayer mentors used to share, whatever opportunities God brings, it is to your advantage to say "yes." Press the reset button and reach out to others with the Father's love through prayer.

Heavenly Father, thank you for gifting us with Jesus, our Living Water. Thank you for continually filling our glasses. Manifest your Holy Spirit as we seek to minister to your presence (your filling). Direct us in our ministry toward You and others (your fulfilling). We are so grateful you are our "Thirst Quencher." LORD, teach us to pray.

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