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10 Lessons from Moses

Writer's picture: Joel HowardJoel Howard

Based on [Hebrews 11: 23-28, ESV]

God's word helps us to live life God's way.  The following are 10 short thoughts based on the life of Moses, as they appear in Hebrews 11. May these lessons serve you and your family as a tool for discussion and application as you live life together: 

Lesson 1. Hide + Treasure the Gifts of God 

"By faith Moses, when he was born, was hidden for three months by his parents..."  

          Be ready to recognize the gifts and call of God on your life and on your children, spouse and household. Protect these at all costs.


     Lesson 2. Know Your Belovedness and Worth in Christ

 "...because they saw that the child was beautiful..." 

          Understand how loved you are, and foster that in yourself, your spouse and your children. Let this overflow into acts of love and kindness. 


      Lesson 3. Be Not Afraid of Standing Out

"…and they were not afraid of the king’s edict."

          Do not be weary of doing "family" or "life" differently than the world does. Reject intimidation, which comes from the evil one. 


    Lesson 4. Choose God's Identity for You and Your Family

"By faith Moses, when he was grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter..."

          We have a choice as to how we define ourselves and our loved ones.  Let us choose God's  definition, not our own. 


    Lesson 5. Beware of the Temptation of Riches

"...choosing rather to be mistreated with the people of God than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin."

         Understand that the tempter will offer a "quick fix" in the form of riches, lust and rebellion. Choose meekness, humility and obedience instead. 


     Lesson 6. Join Christ in the Mundane and in Suffering

"He considered the reproach of Christ greater wealth than the treasures of Egypt, for he was looking to the reward."

         Be willing to walk through difficulty with Christ, knowing that we will be rewarded for          choosing to know him in his suffering [see Philippians 3]. 


    Lesson 7. Leave Slavery, Live Free

"By faith he left Egypt..."  

        Look forward, not back, by living according to the Spirit, and not according to the flesh [see Romans 8].


    Lesson 8. Fear Not the Opinion of Man

 "....not being afraid of the anger of the king..." 

        Again, embrace God's plan and pace for you and your family, even if it opposes the world's agenda. Trust God to keep you [see Psalm 121].

    Lesson 9. Endure by Looking at the Invisible One 

"...for he endured as seeing him who is invisible."

        Looking to people can drain us. Looking to God each day helps us persevere to the end [see Hebrews 12].


    Lesson 10. Pray, Plead + Intercede

"By faith he kept the Passover and sprinkled the blood, so that the Destroyer of the firstborn might not touch them." 

           Win life's battles in prayer, behind closed doors.  Pray for peace and safety in your            household, city, nation and beyond. 



Talk about the 10 lessons together and respond to the following: 

  • Which lessons stand out as most relevant to you and your family?

  • Which lessons could you practice this week? Today?

  • Add to the list, and spend time in the book of Hebrews, asking God to show you more about how to live life with your family in His way.

  • Share some of these lessons with other families in your community or church.

by Joel Howard

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