"And he will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the
fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready for
the Lord a people prepared."
– Luke 1:17 (ESV)
During this time of fasting, God has been speaking profoundly through Luke 1:17. This
scripture serves as a powerful reminder of the vision for families to come together in
worship, repentance, and activation. It’s a stirring call to prepare the way for the Lord,
fostering a generational revival where relationships are restored, honor is upheld, and the
Church moves forward in unity.
The ministry of Elijah carries a vital message for today’s families. Malachi 4:6 proclaims:
“And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their
fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction.” This divine
reconciliation is not just an individual calling but an invitation for entire families to
embrace restoration. It’s about preparing for the return of Christ, where every generation
plays a critical role in carrying His glory and message to the nations.
This revival is not meant for one generation alone. The prophetic spirit of Elijah is falling
on a unified people, not just an individual. When young and old come together, they
reflect God’s vision for His Church. In 2 Kings 6, Elisha’s disciples recognized the need for a
new house, showing their attunement to God’s current voice rather than clinging solely to
past instructions. Today, we must also listen closely to what God is saying in this season.
Younger generations bring fresh vision and energy, but they need the wisdom, guidance,
and stability of older generations. Likewise, older generations are called to equip,
empower, and release the younger into their God-given purposes. This dynamic
partnership creates a powerful synergy, advancing God’s kingdom in ways that no
generation could achieve alone.
Building together requires humility. Families must honor one another, forgive past
wrongs, and speak truth in love. Only through this unity can we witness the Spirit of God
moving mightily among us. As each member of the family takes their place in God’s plan,
the bonds between generations strengthen, paving the way for God’s glory to manifest.
As we reflect on these truths, let’s embrace this vision in our homes. Let us prepare the
way for the Lord by fostering unity and restoration within our families. The
transformation begins with us: in our homes, our communities, and our hearts.
Will you join this call? Together, we can rise as families to carry His message and glory to
the world. The revival starts here and now, as we unite across generations to fulfill God’s
Paulina Rodriguez